Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Decorative Painters Society

Well, I've finally done it and I'm hoping that you will join me! I'm starting the Decorative Painters Society which as a charitable organization will meet monthly to paint things to donate to those in need. I'm excited about being part of a painting group that will give back to our community. And as many of you know I have missed all of my painting friends since I closed my shop. Please come paint with me again...

So far I have painted this sample canvas bag to hang on a walker or the back of a wheelchair using Shara Reiner's designs with some of her bold attractive colors that I just love ~ and hope you do too. We will meet in the small community room at The Harborfields Library on Broadway in Greenlawn on Sunday afternoon, Sept. 20th from 1:30 - 4:30pm so please mark your calendar and try to save the date. I have been in touch with a director at The Atria, a senior living community in East Northport, who is thrilled to receive our donations for some of the residents. (The Atria is near my old shop just off Larkfield Rd.) I expect that we will gather once a month so our next meeting will be Sunday, October 4th - save that date too!

This gathering of painting friends and any experienced artists is open to anyone interested in helping create some of these wonderful and useful bags. There is no charge for participating except for the cost of the canvas bag which is $9. Please invite your painting friends to our gathering and come see what we do. Each of us can paint whatever designs we like and use whatever colors we like - my goal is that it be fun for all of us. I'm planning to paint mostly designs from Shara and Ros as they are simple and faster for me to complete. I will gladly assist anyone with projects by these 2 designers but you can also bring your own ideas/patterns so that you will enjoy what you're painting. I will bring some paints to share, but again please bring those that you like along with your regular painting supplies such as brushes, water basin, stylus, palette knife, transfer paper, palette paper, etc. (Remember how to do this?!)

I'd love to hear from you with comments about this idea. I'll bring the canvas bags providing that you let me know that you are coming. I really hope that you'll commit to joining me and I'm especially looking forward to seeing some of you that have told me that you haven't been painting much lately. I'm hoping that this will give you an incentive to get out your old brushes and brush up on your skills again. Maybe then we'll all be inspired to finish some of the projects that we are storing... for a rainy day? Perhaps 9/20 will turn out to be the beginning of that rainy day...

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